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Employee Training Manager

Frances McNeal Tell us about your work---what do you do? I manage a team of facilitators (professional trainers) who provide classroom and "technology" based…

Brewer's: Express Train

A fast train between two large towns, with few or no stoppages at intermediate stations. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Expressed OilsExposé A B C D E…

Classical Mythology: Training a Hero

Training a HeroClassical MythologyThe Labors of HeraclesTraining a HeroBeastly Chores: The First Four LaborsEven More Beastly Chores: The Second Four LaborsThe Far Corners of the Earth: The Final…

Famous Trains: Europe and Africa

by Mike Rozett Trans-Siberian Express 1898 Traveling between Moscow and Vladivostok, the Trans-Siberian Express makes the longest regular train trip in the world…

Famous Trains: Asia and Australia

by Mike Rozett Orient Express 1883 In 1883, the Orient Express began service from Paris to Istanbul, crossing six countries with the cooperation of ten different railroads. The train…

Chauncey Judd: Puritan Training

The Judd Family A Quilting Party Puritan Training In those days the means of education was scanty. For some years a school had been established in Judd's Meadow, to be kept a few weeks…

Comprehensive Employment and Training Act

(Encyclopedia) Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA), U.S. government program designed to assist economically disadvantaged, unemployed, or underemployed persons. Enacted in 1973, CETA…

vocational education

(Encyclopedia) vocational education, training designed to advance individuals' general proficiency, especially in relation to their present or future occupations. The term does not normally include…

Sheldon, Edward Austin

(Encyclopedia) Sheldon, Edward Austin, 1823–97, American educator, b. Wyoming co., N.Y., studied at Hamilton College. After illness forced him to cut short his own education, he held a variety of…