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(Encyclopedia) redstart, common name for an Old World thrush of the genus Phoenicurus, family Turdidae. A small, slender-legged songbird, it is found in woodlands, parks, and heaths. The European…

Walt Whitman: Wandering at Morn

Wandering at MornWandering at morn, Emerging from the night from gloomy thoughts, thee in my thoughts, Yearning for thee harmonious Union! thee, singing bird divine! Thee coil'd in evil times…

Fungal Infections: Types of Infection

Types of InfectionFungal InfectionsIntroductionTypes of InfectionFungal Infections of the SkinFighting Fungus Antigen Alert It is often difficult to diagnose systemic fungal infections. Many times…

The Miser in the Bush

The Miser in the Bush A farmer had a faithful and diligent servant, who had worked hard for him three years, without having been paid any wages. At last it came into the man's head that he…

William Griffith: Spring Song

Spring SongWilliam GriffithSoftly at dawn a whisper stole Down from the Green House on the Hill, Enchanting many a ghostly bole And wood-song with the ancient thrill.Gossiping on the…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: The Enchanter

The EnchanterIn the deep heart of man a poet dwells Who all the day of life his summer story tells; Scatters on every eye dust of his spells, Scent, form and color; to the flowers and shells…

Christina Rossetti: Spring Quiet

Spring QuietGone were but the Winter, Come were but the Spring, I would go to a covert Where the birds sing;Where in the whitethorn Singeth a thrush, And a robin sings In the holly-…

Christina Rossetti: Sound Sleep

Sound SleepSome are laughing, some are weeping; She is sleeping, only sleeping. Round her rest wild flowers are creeping; There the wind is heaping, heaping Sweetest sweets of Summer's…