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social work

(Encyclopedia) social work, organized effort to help individuals and families to adjust themselves to the community, as well as to adapt the community to the needs of such persons and families.…

Brewer's: Angular

Cross-grained; of a patchy temper; one full of angles, whose temper is not smooth. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894AngurvadelAngry A B C D E F G H I…


(Encyclopedia) swimming, self-propulsion through water, often as a form of recreation or exercise or as a competitive sport. It is mentioned in many of the classics in connection with heroic acts or…

Brewer's: Suds

(Mrs.). A facetious name for a washwoman or laundress. Of course, the allusion is to soap-suds. To be in the suds in ill-temper. According to the song, “Neer a bit of comfort is upon a…

Brewer's: Cold Blood

Done in cold blood. (French, sang froid.) Not in the heat of temper; deliberately, and with premeditation. The allusion is to the ancient notion that the blood grew hot and cold, and this…

Minutes of the Anti-Slavery Convention of Women

List of Delegates to the Convention.Minutes. At 10 o'clock, A. M. the Convention was called to order. On the nomination of a committee, appointed at preliminary meeting, on Monday, May 14th…

More, Paul Elmer

(Encyclopedia) More, Paul Elmer, 1864–1937, American critic, educator, and philosopher, b. St. Louis. More taught Sanskrit and classical literature and then was a newspaper editor until 1914, after…


(Encyclopedia) Marisol (María Sol Escobar)Marisolmărˈĭsŏlˌ, märēˈä sōl āskōˈbär [key], 1930–2016, Venezuelan-American sculptor, b. Paris. Marisol was first influenced by pre-Columbian sculpture and…

Liddon, Henry Parry

(Encyclopedia) Liddon, Henry Parry, 1829–90, English clergyman, a noted preacher and lecturer. As canon of St. Paul's Cathedral (1870–90) and Dean Ireland professor of exegesis at Oxford (1870–82),…

LaLanne, Jack

(Encyclopedia) LaLanne, JackLaLanne, Jackləlānˈ [key], 1914–2011, American fitness advocate and television personality, b. San Francisco as François Henri LaLanne. Widely regarded as the founder of…