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snake worship

(Encyclopedia) snake worship. The snake has been variously adored as a regenerative power, as a god of evil, as a god of good, as Christ (by the Gnostics), as a phallic deity, as a solar deity, and…

Gbagbo, Laurent

(Encyclopedia) Gbagbo, LaurentGbagbo, LaurentlōrăNˈ bägˈbō [key], 1945–, Ivoirian political leader, b. Gagnoa. After studying at the Univ. of Abidjan and the Univ. of Paris, Gbagbo became a history…

Grodon, Charles Sidney

(Encyclopedia) Grodon, Charles Sidney, 1935-2021, American film actor, writer, and director, b. Pittsburgh, Pa. Grodon briefly attended the Univ. of…

Van Doren, Mark

(Encyclopedia) Van Doren, Mark 1894–1973, American poet and critic, b. Hope, Vermilion co., Ill., Ph.D. Columbia, 1920; brother of Carl Van Doren. He taught English at Columbia (1920–59), where he…

Agee, James

(Encyclopedia) Agee, JamesAgee, Jamesāˈjē [key], 1909–55, American writer, b. Knoxville, Tenn., grad. Harvard, 1932. He soon joined the literary and journalistic life of New York City, becoming (1932…

Berio, Luciano

(Encyclopedia) Berio, LucianoBerio, Lucianol&oomacr;chäˈnō bĕrˈyō [key], 1925–2003, Italian composer, b. Oneglia. After studying at the Milan Conservatory and working as a coach and conductor in…

Adler, Stella

(Encyclopedia) Adler, StellaAdler, Stellaădˈlər [key], 1901–92, American actress, director, and acting teacher, b. New York City. The daughter of Jacob and Sarah Adler, stars in New York's Yiddish…

John Henry KYL, Congress, IA (1919-2002)

KYL John Henry , a Representative from Iowa; born in Wisner, Cumming, County, Nebr., May 9, 1919; graduated from Wayne Prep High School, Wayne, Nebr., 1937; graduated from Nebraska State Teachers…

Will ROGERS, Congress, OK (1898-1983)

ROGERS Will , a Representative from Oklahoma; born on a farm near Bessie, Washita County, Oklahoma Territory (now Oklahoma), December 12, 1898; attended the public schools, and Southwestern…