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Displaying 251 - 260

Ivanov, Lev

(Encyclopedia) Ivanov, LevIvanov, Levlyĕf ēväˈnôf [key], 1834–1901, Russian dancer, teacher, choreographer, and ballet-master. Ivanov was assistant to chief ballet-master Marius Petipa at the…

Mayröcker, Friederike

(Encyclopedia) Mayröcker, Friederike, 1924-2021, German-language poet, b. Vienna, Austria. Mayröcker served in World War II as a secretary in the…

Lobachevsky, Nikolai Ivanovich

(Encyclopedia) Lobachevsky, Nikolai IvanovichLobachevsky, Nikolai Ivanovichnyĭkəlīˈ ēväˈnəvĭch ləbəchĕfˈskē [key], 1793–1856, Russian mathematician. A pioneer in non-Euclidean geometry, he challenged…


(Encyclopedia) AsclepiusAsclepiusăsklēˈpēəs [key], Lat. AesculapiusAsclepiusĕsˌkəlāˈpēəs [key], legendary Greek physician; son of Apollo and Coronis. His first teacher was the wise centaur Chiron.…

Channing, Edward

(Encyclopedia) Channing, Edward, 1856–1931, American historian, b. Dorchester, Mass.; son of William Ellery Channing (1818–1901). He was a prominent teacher at Harvard from 1883 until his retirement…

Clementi, Muzio

(Encyclopedia) Clementi, MuzioClementi, Muziom&oomacr;ˈtsēō klāmĕnˈtē [key], 1752–1832, Italian composer, pianist, and conductor, b. Rome. He wrote more than 100 keyboard sonatas, which set the…

Delsarte, François

(Encyclopedia) Delsarte, FrançoisDelsarte, FrançoisfräNswäˈ dĕlsärtˈ [key], 1811–71, French teacher of acting and singing. He studied singing (1825–29) at the Paris Conservatoire and appeared as a…

Lachenmann, Helmut

(Encyclopedia) Lachenmann, Helmut, 1935–, German composer, b. Stuttgart. One of the most influential European composers of the late 20th and early 21st cents., he studied in Venice with Luigi Nono (…

Landowska, Wanda

(Encyclopedia) Landowska, WandaLandowska, Wandavänˈdä ländôfˈskä [key], 1879–1959, Polish-French harpsichordist and pianist, studied at the Warsaw Conservatory. She taught piano (1900–1912) at the…

Fischer-Dieskau, Dietrich

(Encyclopedia) Fischer-Dieskau, DietrichFischer-Dieskau, Dietrichdēˈtrĭkh fĭshˈər-dēsˈkou [key], 1925–2012, German baritone. Possessed of a sensitive voice capable of a wide variety of range and…