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(Encyclopedia) blowgun, hollow tube from which a dart or an arrow is blown by a person's breath. The arrow was usually tipped with a poison, such as curare, which would stun or kill the struck prey.…

Tompion, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Tompion, Thomas, 1639?–1713, English clockmaker. When the Royal Observatory at Greenwich was established in 1676, Tompion was chosen to make two clocks, to be wound only once a year,…

Australian languages

(Encyclopedia) Australian languages, aboriginal languages spoken on the continent of Australia. The Australian languages do not appear to be related to any other linguistic family. The exact number…


(Encyclopedia) reaper, early farm machine drawn by draft animals or tractor and used to harvest grain. Its historical predecessors were the sickle and the cradle scythe, which are still used in some…


(Encyclopedia) OrpheusOrpheusôrˈfēəs, ôrˈfy&oomacr;s [key], in Greek mythology, celebrated Thracian musician. He was the son of Calliope by Apollo or, according to another legend, by Oeagrus, a…


(Encyclopedia) truck, automotive vehicle designed primarily for the transportation of goods. A truck is constructed on the general lines of the automobile but uses larger and heavier parts. It may be…


(Encyclopedia) stonework, term applied to various types of work—that of the lapidary who shapes, cuts, and polishes gemstones or engraves them for seals and ornaments; of the jeweler or artisan who…

Montañes, Juan Martínez

(Encyclopedia) Montañes, Juan MartínezMontañes, Juan Martínezhwän märtēˈnĕth mōntäˈnyās [key], c.1568–1649, Spanish sculptor. He was known for his polychrome figures in wood. Most of his work was…

Michaud, Joseph François

(Encyclopedia) Michaud, Joseph FrançoisMichaud, Joseph Françoiszhôzĕfˈ fräNswäˈ mēshōˈ [key], 1767–1839, French journalist and historian. Under the Directory he was deported for advocating the…

Nha Trang

(Encyclopedia) Nha TrangNha Trangnä träng [key], city (1989 est. pop. 263,100), E central S Vietnam, a commercial port on the South China Sea. It has an important fishing industry. It was the site of…