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sea lettuce

(Encyclopedia) sea lettuce, common name for algal species of the genus Ulva. See seaweed; Chlorophyta.


(Encyclopedia) psilocybinpsilocybinsĭlˌəsīˈbən [key], perception-altering substance found in some species of mushroom. See hallucinogenic drug.

gene pool

(Encyclopedia) gene pool, the total of all genes in a population of a particular species. See genetics.


(Encyclopedia) butterwort, common name for several species of the plant genus Pinguicula of the north temperate zone and the mountains of tropical America. It is a member of the family…


(Encyclopedia) lichenlichenlīˈkən [key], usually slow-growing organism of simple structure, composed of fungi (see Fungi) and photosynthetic green algae or cyanobacteria living together in a…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Common buttercup, Ranunculus acris buttercup or crowfoot, common name for the Ranunculaceae, a family of chiefly annual or perennial herbs of cool regions of the Northern…


(Encyclopedia) dewberry, name for several species of the genus Rubus of the family Rosaceae (rose family). See bramble.

coffee tree, Kentucky

(Encyclopedia) coffee tree, Kentucky, common name for the plant species Gymnocladus dioica, a tree of the family Leguminosae (pulse family) and native to the E United States. The seeds of the woody…

book lung

(Encyclopedia) book lung, terrestrial respiratory organ characteristic of arachnids such as scorpions and primitive spiders. Each book lung consists of hollow flat plates. Air bathes the outer…


(Encyclopedia) blackberry, name for several species of thorny plants of the genus Rubus of the family Rosaceae (rose family). See bramble.