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A. E. Housman: "Terence, this is stupid stuff:

"Terence, this is stupid stuff: You eat your victuals fast enough; There can't be much amiss, 'tis clear, To see the rate you drink your beer. But oh, good Lord, the verse you make, It gives…

Brewer's: Malagrowther

(Malachi). The signature of Sir Walter Scott to a series of letters in 1822 contributed to the Edinburgh Review upon the lowest limitation of paper money to 5. They caused immense…

Brewer's: Pavan

or Pavin. Every pavan has its galliard (Spanish). Every sage has his moments of folly. Every white must have its black, and every sweet its sour. The pavan was a stately Spanish dance, in…

Brewer's: Give the Devil his Due

Though bad, I allow, yet not so bad as you make him out. Do not lay more to the charge of a person than he deserves. The French say, “ Il ne faut pas faire le diable plus noir qu'il n'est…

Brewer's: Eisell

Wormwood wine. Hamlet says to Laertes, Woul't drink up eisell —i.e. drink wormwood wine to show your love to the dead Ophelia? In the Troy Book of Ludgate we have the line “Of bitter…

Brewer's: Koumiss

or Kumiss. Fermented mare's milk used as a beverage by the Tartar tribes of Central Asia. A slightly alcoholic drink of a similar kind is made with great ceremony in Siberia. It consists…

Brewer's: Fairy Rings

Circles of rank or withered grass, often seen in lawns, meadows, and grass-plots. Said to be produced by the fairies dancing on the spot. In sober truth, these rings are simply an agaric…

Jeremiah: 31

Jeremiah Chapter 31 1 At the same time, saith the LORD, will I be the God of all the families of Israel, and they shall be my people. 2 Thus saith the LORD, The people which were…

John Donne: Expostulation XVII. Nunc lento

ExpostulationJohn Donne MY God, my God, is this one of thy ways of drawing light out of darkness, to make him for whom this bell tolls, now in this dimness of his sight, to become a…