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Displaying 401 - 410

Brewer's: Pull Devil, Pull Baker

Let each one do the best for himself in his own line of business, but let not one man interfere in that of another. “It's all fair pulling, `pull devil, pull baker;' someone has to get the…

Brewer's: Santa Claus

or Santa Klaus. A corrupt contraction of Sankt Nikolaus (Sankni kolaus - i.e. St. Nicolas), the patron saint of children. The vigil of his feast is still held in some places, but for the…

Brewer's: Truss his Points

(To). To tie the points of hose. The points were the cords pointed with metal, like shoe-laces, attached to doublets and hose; being very numerous, some second person was required to “…

2001 Intel Science Talent Search Winners

First Place: $100,000 scholarship, Viviana Risca, 17, Paul D.Schreiber Senior High School, Port Washington, N.Y., for her computer science project, “DNA-based Steganography,” which studied…

Brewer's: Go along with You

In French, Tirez de long, said to dogs, meaning scamper off, run away. Au long et au large, i.e. entirely, go off the whole length and breadth of the way from me to infinite space. “To go…

Brewer's: Grind

To work up for an examination; to grind up the subjects set, and to grind into the memory the necessary cram. The allusion is to a mill, and the analogy evident. To grind one down. To…

Brewer's: Hyssop

David says (Ps. li. 7): “Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean.” The reference is to the custom of someone who was ceremoniously “clean” sprinkling the unclean (when they came to…

Brewer's: Dead Set

He made a dead set at her. A pointed or decided determination to bring matters to a crisis. The allusion is to a setter dog that has discovered game, and makes a dead set at it. To be at…

Brewer's: Diggings

Come to my diggings. To my rooms, residence, office, sanctum. A word imported from California and its gold diggings. “My friend here wants to take diggings; and as you were complaining…

Literary Allusions

Boswell: James Boswell (1740–95) is best known for his 1791 book The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D., considered by many to be the greatest English-language biography ever written. His name is…