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(Encyclopedia) Gansu or Kansu Gansu both: gänˈs&oomacr;ˈ [key], province, 141,000 sq mi (365,284 sq km), NW China…


(Encyclopedia) goatsucker, common name for nocturnal or crepuscular birds of the order Caprimulgiformes, which includes the frogmouth, the oilbird, potoos, and nightjars. Goatsuckers are medium in…


(Encyclopedia) hat, headdress developed from the simple close-fitting cap and hood of antiquity. The first hat, which was distinguished as such by having a brim, was the felt petasus of the Greeks,…

Herriot, Édouard

(Encyclopedia) Herriot, ÉdouardHerriot, Édouardādwärˈ ĕryōˈ [key], 1872–1957, French statesman and man of letters. After beginning an academic career he turned to politics. A moderate leftist,…

Javanese music

(Encyclopedia) Javanese music, one of the richest and most distinctive of Asian musical cultures. It was and is of enormous importance in religious, political, and entertainment functions. It…


(Encyclopedia) mantid or mantis, name applied to the large, slender, slow-moving, winged insects of the family Mantidae in the order Mantodea. Predatory insects, mantids have strong, elongate, spiny…


(Encyclopedia) LycopodiophytaLycopodiophytalīˌkōpōˌdēŏfˈətə [key], division of the plant kingdom consisting of the organisms commonly called club mosses and quillworts. As in other vascular plants,…

Chancellorsville, battle of

(Encyclopedia) Chancellorsville, battle of, May 2–4, 1863, in the American Civil War. Late in Apr., 1863, Joseph Hooker, commanding the Union Army of the Potomac, moved against Robert E. Lee, whose…


(Encyclopedia) ArchaeopteryxArchaeopteryxärˌkēŏpˈtərĭks [key] [Gr.,=primitive wing], a 150 million-year-old fossil animal first discovered in 1860 in the late Jurassic limestone of Solnhofen, Bavaria…


(Encyclopedia) kiwikiwikēˈwē [key] or apteryxapteryxăpˈtərĭks [key], common name for the smallest member of an order of primitive flightless birds related to the ostrich, the emu, and the cassowary.…