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Hay-Herrán Treaty

(Encyclopedia) Hay-Herrán TreatyHay-Herrán Treatyhā-ĕränˈ [key], 1903, aborted agreement between the United States and Colombia providing for U.S. control of the prospective Panama Canal and for U.S…

Cardoso, Fernando Henrique

(Encyclopedia) Cardoso, Fernando HenriqueCardoso, Fernando HenriquefərnäNˈd&oomacr; ānrēˈkə kärdōˈs&oomacr; [key], 1931–, Brazilian sociologist and politician, president of Brazil (1995–2002…

Randolph, John

(Encyclopedia) Randolph, John, 1773–1833, American legislator, known as John Randolph of Roanoke, b. Prince George co., Va. He briefly studied law under his cousin Edmund Randolph. He served in the U…


(Encyclopedia) Sallust (Caius Sallustius Crispus)Sallustsălˈəst [key], 86 b.c.–c.34 b.c., Roman historian. He was tribune of the people (52 b.c.) and praetor (46). He was ejected (50) from the senate…

Sertorius, Quintus

(Encyclopedia) Sertorius, QuintusSertorius, Quintussûrtôrˈēas [key], d. 72 b.c., Roman general. He was a general under Marius but did not take part in Marius' proscriptions. Sertorius was appointed…

Seguín, Juan Nepomuceno

(Encyclopedia) Seguín, Juan Nepomuceno, 1806–90, Texas revolutionary and politician, b. San Antonio. He was elected alderman (1829) and mayor (1833) of San Antonio, then formed a militia (1835) to…

Temer, Michel

(Encyclopedia) Temer, Michel (Michel Miguel Elias Temer Lulia), 1940–, Brazilian political leader. The son of Lebanese immigrants, he studied law at the Univ. of São Paolo and the Pontifical Univ. of…

London, Declaration of

(Encyclopedia) London, Declaration of, international code of maritime law, especially as related to war, proposed in 1909. The declaration grew largely out of the attempt at the second of the Hague…

Loubet, Émile François

(Encyclopedia) Loubet, Émile FrançoisLoubet, Émile Françoisāmēlˈ fräNswäˈ l&oomacr;bāˈ [key], 1838–1929, president of the French republic (1899–1906). As a member of the chamber of deputies, he…