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Writing Well: Help Is on the Way!

Help Is on the Way!Writing WellPicture This: DescriptionHelp Is on the Way!Make a Deposit in the Idea BankTake the PlungeColor My WorldMusic to the EyesTools of the TradeAn Affair to Remember Last…

More Movies

The Apostle Director/Writer: Robert DuvallDirector of Photography: Barry MarkowitzEditor: Stephen MackMusic: David MansfieldProduction Designer: Linda BurtonProducer: Rob Carliner October Films…

Real Essay Gaffes

  "Proofread! Have others proofread! Spell check! It's stunning how many people have careless, even really obvious typos in their statements. It makes the applicant look sloppy,…

The Judiciary Act of 1789

In the Judiciary Act of 1789, the First Congress provided the detailed organization of a federal judiciary that the Constitution had sketched only in general terms. Acting on its…

Kiribati Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note KiribatiKiribati dancers participate in New Year's ceremony on Millennium Island, Kiribati, Saturday, January 1, 2000. [© AP Images] PROFILEOFFICIAL NAME…

Dwight D. Eisenhower (January 9, 1958)

Mr. President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the 85th Congress: It is again my high privilege to extend personal greetings to the members of the 85th Congress. All of us realize that, as this new…

Oliver Ellsworth: Landholder V

Landholder VOliver EllsworthMonday, December 3, 1787Continuation of Remarks on the Hon. Elbridge Gerry's Objections to the new Constitution.To the Landholders and Farmers. It is unhappy both…