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Displaying 371 - 380

Beck, Aaron Tempkin

(Encyclopedia) Beck, Aaron Tempkin, 1921-2021, American psychiatrist, b. Providence, R.I., Brown Univ. (B.A., 1942), Yale Univ. (M.D., 1946).…

May, Theresa Mary

(Encyclopedia) May, Theresa Mary, 1956–, British political leader, b. Eastbourne, Sussex, as Theresa Mary Brasier, grad. Oxford (1977). She worked for the Bank of England (1977–83) and the…

Mississippi Scheme

(Encyclopedia) Mississippi Scheme, plan formulated by John Law for the colonization and commercial exploitation of the Mississippi valley and other French colonial areas. In 1717 the French merchant…

Meir, Golda

(Encyclopedia) Meir, GoldaMeir, Goldamāērˈ [key], 1898–1978, Israeli political leader, b. Kiev, Russia, originally named Golda Mabovitch. Her family emigrated to the United States in 1906, settling…

The Gap Year

A growing trend among American students by Elizabeth Olson Related Links Bad Advice for New Graduates Cost of Higher Education Distinctive Destinations for…

Brewer's: Nerissa

Portia's waiting-maid; clever, self-confident, and coquettish. (Shakespeare: Merchant of Venice.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894NeroNerine A B C D E F…

Writing Well: The Golden Rules

The Golden RulesWriting WellIn the Hot Seat: Writing Under PressureWhat's the Big Idea?Write This WayThe Golden RulesWhen the Meter's RunningPanic in the Streets You want to write as well as you can…

Part One in a Six-Part Series

Mirror Image by Alicia Potter Source: The male torso reigns as the decade's most powerful crossover image — appealing to men, women, gays, and straights alike. Part One:…