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elevator, in machinery

(Encyclopedia) elevator, in machinery, device for transporting people or goods from one level to another. The term is applied to the enclosed structures as well as the open platforms used to provide…

Melanchthon, Philip

(Encyclopedia) Melanchthon, PhilipMelanchthon, Philipməlăngkˈthən [key], 1497–1560, German scholar and humanist. He was second only to Martin Luther as a figure in the Lutheran Reformation. His…

Bülow, Bernhard Heinrich Martin, Fürst von

(Encyclopedia) Bülow, Bernhard Heinrich Martin, Fürst vonBülow, Bernhard Heinrich Martin, Fürst vonbĕrnˈhärt hīnˈrĭkh märˈtĭn fŭrst fən büˈlō [key], 1849–1929, German chancellor. He held many…

Grant, Sir Francis

(Encyclopedia) Grant, Sir Francis, 1803–78, Scottish portrait painter. He was self-taught in painting, for which he abandoned a career in law. He began as a painter of hunting scenes (The Melton Hunt…

Thomson, Tom

(Encyclopedia) Thomson, Tom, 1877–1917, Canadian painter of typically Canadian outdoor scenes, b. Ontario. Thomson was self-taught. Most of the year he served as a guide at Algonquin Provincial Park…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 GuyanaGuyanagīănˈə, –änˈ– [key], officially Co-operative Republic of Guyana, republic (2015 est. pop. 769,000), 83,000 sq mi (214,969 sq km), NE South America. It is bordered on…