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Animal Self-Defense Quiz

The animal kingdom is a dangerous place. A poor prey animal has to do what it can to protect itself. Some of these methods of self-defense are bizarre, to say the least. How well do you know these…

Holmes, John Haynes

(Encyclopedia) Holmes, John HaynesHolmes, John Hayneshōmz [key], 1879–1964, American clergyman, b. Philadelphia, grad. Harvard, 1902, and Harvard Divinity School, 1904. For 42 years (1907–49) he was…


(Encyclopedia) rationalism [Lat.,=belonging to reason], in philosophy, a theory that holds that reason alone, unaided by experience, can arrive at basic truth regarding the world. Associated with…

Blondel, Maurice

(Encyclopedia) Blondel, Maurice, 1861–1949, French Catholic philosopher, b. Dijon. He was a professor at the universities of Montauban, Lille, and Aix-Marseille during his influential career. Like…

Bradlaugh, Charles

(Encyclopedia) Bradlaugh, CharlesBradlaugh, Charlesbrădˈlô [key], 1833–91, British social reformer, a secularist. Editor of the free-thinking weekly National Reformer from 1860 and later associated…


(Encyclopedia) revolution, in a political sense, fundamental and violent change in the values, political institutions, social structure, leadership, and policies of a society. The totality of change…

Walt Whitman: One's-Self I Sing

One's-Self I SingOne's-self I sing, a simple separate person, Yet utter the word Democratic, the word En-Masse.Of physiology from top to toe I sing, Not physiognomy alone nor brain alone is…

The Congress of Women: A Self Support Problem

by Miss Julia S. Tutwiler Our Forgotten Foremothers.Education of Indian Girls in the WestA Self Support Problem[1] Miss Julia Strudwick Tutwiler is a native of Tuscaloosa, Ala. She was born…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Self-Reliance

Self-RelianceHenceforth, please God, forever I forego The yoke of men's opinions. I will be Light-hearted as a bird, and live with God. I find him in the bottom of my heart, I hear…

self-fulfilling prophecy

(Encyclopedia) self-fulfilling prophecy, a concept developed by Robert K. Merton to explain how a belief or expectation, whether correct or not, affects the outcome of a situation or the way a person…