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Aitareya-Aranyaka: Fifth Adhyâya

Fifth AdhyâyaFirst Khanda1. Let the women who are with child move away[95]!2. Verily, from the beginning he (the self) is in man as a germ, which is called seed.3. This (seed), which is…

Brewer's: Itching Ears

(To have). To have a longing desire to hear news, or some novelty. “The time will come when they will not endure the sound doctrine; but, having itching ears, will heap to themselves…


Vagasaneyi-Samhita-UpanishadIsavasya or Isa-Upanishad1. ALL this, whatsoever moves on earth, is to be hidden in the Lord (the Self). When thou hast surrendered all this, then thou mayest…