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Kuznetsk Alatau

(Encyclopedia) Kuznetsk AlatauKuznetsk Alatauk&oomacr;znyĕtskˈ əläˈtou [key], mountain range, S Siberian Russia, E of Novokuznetsk, rising to about 6,900 ft (2,100 m). Part of the great mountain…

City of Rocks National Reserve

(Encyclopedia) City of Rocks National Reserve: see National Parks and Monuments (table)national parks and monuments (table).


(Encyclopedia) rutile, mineral, one of three forms of titanium dioxide (TiO2; see titanium). It occurs in crystals, often in twins or rosettes, and is typically brownish red, although there are black…

Pyramid Lake

(Encyclopedia) Pyramid Lake, 188 sq mi (487 sq km), W Nev. The lake, a remnant of ancient Lake Lahontan, receives the Truckee River. Visited (1844) by U.S. explorer John Frémont, the lake was named…

Cromarty Firth

(Encyclopedia) Cromarty FirthCromarty Firthkrŏmˈərtē [key], deep narrow inlet of Moray Firth, c.15 mi (25 km) long, Highland, N Scotland. It provides excellent anchorage, its narrow entrance being…

Rose, Gustav

(Encyclopedia) Rose, GustavRose, Gustavg&oobreve;sˈtäf rōˈzə [key], 1798–1873, German mineralogist. He served as professor at the Univ. of Berlin from 1839. Noted especially as a crystallographer…

Agulhas, Cape

(Encyclopedia) Agulhas, CapeAgulhas, Capeəgŭˈləs [key] [Port.,=needles], Western Cape province, South Africa; the southernmost point of Africa. Its name refers to the saw-edged reefs and sunken rocks…

Buckland, William

(Encyclopedia) Buckland, William, 1784–1856, English geologist. He was dean of Westminster from 1845. First to note in England the action of glacial ice on rocks, he did much to bring physical and…

Cambrian period

(Encyclopedia) Cambrian period [Lat. Cambria=Wales], first period of the Paleozoic geologic era (see Geologic Timescale, tablegeologic timescale, table) extending from approximately 570 to 505…