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Rock Island County, IL Housing Statistics

Rock island county illinois dp 4 profile of selected housing characteristics NOTE: Data based on a sample except in P3, P4, H3, and H4. For information on confidentiality protection,…


(Encyclopedia) chromitechromitekrōˈmīt [key], dark brown to black mineral. It is an iron-chromium oxide, FeCr2O4, with traces of magnesium and aluminum. Its crystals are octahedral, but rare; it…


(Encyclopedia) hogback, sharp-crested ridge with steep slopes on both sides, formed by the erosion of steeply tilted rock layers. Hogbacks are commonly formed along the eroded flanks of large,…


(Encyclopedia) kaolinitekaolinitekāˈəlĭnīt [key], clay mineral crystallizing in the monoclinic system and forming the chief constituent of china clay and kaolin. It is a hydrous aluminum silicate…

Siren, in Greek mythology

(Encyclopedia) SirenSirensīˈrən [key], in Greek mythology, one of three sea nymphs, usually represented with the head of a woman and the body of a bird. Daughters of Phorcus or of Achelous, the…

Thar Desert

(Encyclopedia) Thar DesertThar Deserttär, tŭr [key] or Great Indian Desert, extensive arid region, c.500 mi (800 km) long and c.250 mi (400 km) wide, S Asia, in NW India and E Pakistan, between the…


(Encyclopedia) amphiboleamphiboleămˈfəbōlˌ [key], any of a group of widely distributed rock-forming minerals, magnesium-iron silicates, often with traces of calcium, aluminum, sodium, titanium, and…


(Encyclopedia) feldsparfeldsparfĕlˈspär, fĕldˈ– [key] or felsparfeldsparfĕlˈspär [key], an abundant group of rock-forming minerals which constitute 60% of the earth's crust. Chemically the feldspars…


(Encyclopedia) limpet, marine gastropod mollusk with a simple, flattened, conical shell, found in cooler waters of the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans. Certain species creep over rocks, feeding on…

rock garden

(Encyclopedia) rock garden, garden planned around natural rock formations or rocks artificially arranged to simulate natural (often mountainous) conditions. The concept of rock gardens is believed to…