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Aesop's Fables: The Wasp and the Snake

by Aesop The Dog and the WolfThe Eagle and the BeetleThe Wasp and the Snake A Wasp settled on the head of a Snake, and not only stung him several times, but clung obstinately to the head…

Spilled Gasoline

The Question: We spilled gasoline in our garage. We got most of it up, but the smell is still really strong. How can we get rid of it? The Answer…

Which Graham Invented the Crackers?

The Question: How did the graham cracker get its name? The Answer: Graham crackers and graham flour are both named after a failed minister…

The History of Aspirin

The Question: A chemical first prepared by Felix Hoffman in 1897 and patented in 1899 became one of the most globally popular drugs of all time. Name it…

PJ Harvey Biography

PJ Harvey (Polly Jean Harvey)musicianBorn: 10/9/1969Birthplace: Yeovil, England Alternative rock musician known for her blunt, sexual, and darkly humorous songs. Originally part of a trio that…

Aesop's Fables: The Grasshopper and the Owl

by Aesop The Charger and the MillerThe Grasshopper and the AntsThe Grasshopper and the Owl An Owl, who lived in a hollow tree, was in the habit of feeding by night and sleeping by day; but…

Removing Gasoline Smell

The Question: My husband spilled gas out of a spare gas tank into the back of my car. I have tried shampoo, baking soda, ventilation, carpet powders,…