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Displaying 421 - 430

Lincoln, Abraham

(Encyclopedia) Lincoln, AbrahamLincoln, Abrahamlĭngˈkən [key], 1809–65, 16th President of the United States (1861–65). As time passed Lincoln became more and more the object of adulation; a full-…

Sulla, Lucius Cornelius

(Encyclopedia) Sulla, Lucius CorneliusSulla, Lucius Corneliusl&oomacr;ˈshəs kôrnēˈlyəs sŭlˈə [key], 138 b.c.–78 b.c., Roman general. At the height of his career he assumed the name Felix. He…

XYZ Affair

(Encyclopedia) XYZ Affair, name usually given to an incident (1797–98) in Franco-American diplomatic relations. The United States had in 1778 entered into an alliance with France, but after the…

Declaration of Conscience

by Senator Margaret Chase Smith Mr. President, I would like to speak briefly and simply about a serious national condition. It is a national feeling of fear and frustration that could…

Mazurov, Kiril

(Encyclopedia) Mazurov, KirilMazurov, Kirilkĭrēlˈ mäz&oomacr;ˈrôf [key], 1914–89, Soviet political leader. A construction technician, he joined the Communist party in 1940, and was active in the…

Trong, Nguyen Phu

(Encyclopedia) Trong, Nguyen Phu, 1944– Vietnamese political leader. Trong became a member of the Communist party in North Vietnam in 1968 and began working for the Communist Review in 1973,…

Abhisit Vejjajiva

(Encyclopedia) Abhisit VejjajivaAbhisit Vejjajivaäpēˈsĭt wāchäˈchēwä [key], 1964–, Thai politician, prime minister of Thailand (2008–11), b. Newcastle, England. Born into a wealthy Thai-Chinese…

Manning, Preston

(Encyclopedia) Manning, Preston, 1942–, Canadian political leader. Although he is the son of Ernest C. Manning, a leader of the Social Credit party who was premier of Alberta for 25 years, Preston…

Hillquit, Morris

(Encyclopedia) Hillquit, Morris, 1869–1933, American lawyer and Socialist leader, b. Riga, Latvia (then in Russia). He came to the United States in 1886. He was the leader of the right-wing, or…