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Willkie, Wendell Lewis

(Encyclopedia) Willkie, Wendell Lewis, 1892–1944, American industrialist and political leader, b. Elwood, Ind. After graduating from Indiana Univ. law school (1916), he practiced law in Ohio and then…

Penrose, Boies

(Encyclopedia) Penrose, BoiesPenrose, Boiesboiz [key], 1860–1921, American political leader, b. Philadelphia. A lawyer, he was (1884–97) a member of the Pennsylvania legislature and coauthored a…

Brewer's: Red Republicans

Those extreme republicans of France who scruple not to dye their hands in blood in order to accomplish their political object. They used to wear a red cap. (See Carmagnole.) Source:…

Brewer's: Republican Queen

Sophie Charlotte, wife of Frederick I. of Prussia. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894RepublicansReproof Valiant A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P…

U.S. News: Tea Party Victories

Major U.S. news stories, from health-care reform to "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Sarah PalinRelated Links 2010 Year in Review 2010 News of the…

The Supreme Court: Switching Parties

Switching PartiesThe Supreme CourtElecting Our LeadersElection Machinery That WorksRemapping DistrictsPaying for CampaignsGetting the Word OutSwitching Parties Last minute party switching to…

Alien and Sedition Acts

(Encyclopedia) Alien and Sedition Acts, 1798, four laws enacted by the Federalist-controlled U.S. Congress, allegedly in response to the hostile actions of the French Revolutionary government on the…

Anderson, John Bayard

(Encyclopedia) Anderson, John Bayard, 1922–2017, U.S. politician, b. Rockford, Ill., grad. Univ. of Illinois (B.A. 1939, J.D. 1946), Harvard law school (LL.M. 1949). After serving in the army (1943–…

Fenton, Reuben Eaton

(Encyclopedia) Fenton, Reuben Eaton, 1819–85, U.S. politician, b. Carroll, N.Y. He was elected to the New York assembly in 1849 and to Congress in 1852. Although he was elected as a Democrat, his…

Whig party

(Encyclopedia) Whig party, one of the two major political parties of the United States in the second quarter of the 19th cent. By the time Fillmore had succeeded to the presidency, the…