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George, Henry

(Encyclopedia) George, Henry, 1839–97, American economist, founder of the single tax movement, b. Philadelphia. Of a poor family, his formal education was cut short at 14, and in 1857 he emigrated to…

Witt, Jan de

(Encyclopedia) Witt, Jan deWitt, Jan deyän [key], 1625–72, Dutch statesman. Like his father, Jacob de Witt, burgomaster of Dort, he became a leading opponent of the house of Orange and played a vital…

Key, Sir John Phillip

(Encyclopedia) Key, Sir John Phillip, 1961–, New Zealand investment banker and political leader, b. Auckland, studied Univ. of Canterbury (B.Comm., 1982) and Harvard. Trained as an accountant, Key…


(Encyclopedia) primary, in the United States, a preliminary election in which the candidate of a party is nominated directly by the voters. The establishment of the primary system resulted from the…

Kayibanda, Grégoire

(Encyclopedia) Kayibanda, GrégoireKayibanda, Grégoiregrāgwärˈ kīēbänˈdā [key], 1924–76, political leader in Rwanda. A Hutu, he worked as a journalist and later founded the Ruanda (now Rwanda)…

Arthur, Owen Seymour

(Encyclopedia) Arthur, Owen Seymour, 1949–2020, Barbadian political leader. An economist, he worked for the Jamaican national planning agency in the 1970s and the Barbados ministry of finance and…

Manh, Nong Duc

(Encyclopedia) Manh, Nong DucManh, Nong Ducnông d&oomacr;k mī [key], 1940–, Vietnamese political leader. A member of the Tai minority and a forestry worker, Manh joined the Communist party in…


(Encyclopedia) center, in politics, a party following a middle course. The term was first used in France in 1789, when the moderates of the National Assembly sat in the center of the hall. It can…

Gheorghiu-Dej, Gheorghe

(Encyclopedia) Gheorghiu-Dej, GheorgheGheorghiu-Dej, Gheorghegāôrˈgā gāôrˈgy&oomacr;-dāzh [key], 1901–65, Romanian Communist leader, b. Moldavia. He joined the Communist party in 1930 and while…

D'Alema, Massimo

(Encyclopedia) D'Alema, MassimoD'Alema, Massimomäsˈsēmōˌ dälāˈmä [key], 1949–, Italian politician, premier (1998–2000) of Italy. A member of the Italian Communist party (PCI) since 1968, he worked as…