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Cornell, Alonzo B.

(Encyclopedia) Cornell, Alonzo B.Cornell, Alonzo B.kôrnĕlˈ [key], 1832–1904, American businessman and politician, b. Ithaca, N.Y. Cornell was a director (1868–69) and vice president (1870–76) of the…

Pataki, George Elmer

(Encyclopedia) Pataki, George ElmerPataki, George Elmerpətäˈkē, –tăkˈē [key], 1945–, U.S. politician, b. Peekskill, N.Y. He graduated from Yale Univ. (1967) and Columbia Law School (1970). A…

Teller, Henry Moore

(Encyclopedia) Teller, Henry Moore, 1830–1914, American statesman, b. Allegany co., N.Y. A lawyer, he practiced in Colorado after 1861. He commanded a militia district in the Civil War period. When…

Curtis, Charles

(Encyclopedia) Curtis, Charles, 1860–1936, Vice President of the United States (1929–33), b. near North Topeka, Kans. Of part Native American background, Curtis lived for three years on a Kaw…

Union League Clubs

(Encyclopedia) Union League Clubs, in U.S. history, organizations formed throughout the North in the Civil War after the military defeats and Republican election losses of 1862. A convention at…

White, William Allen

(Encyclopedia) White, William Allen, 1868–1944, American author, b. Emporia, Kans., studied (1886–90) at Kansas State Univ. As owner and editor of the Emporia Gazette from 1895 until his death, he…

De Valera, Eamon

(Encyclopedia) De Valera, EamonDe Valera, Eamonāˈmən dĕ vəlârˈə [key], 1882–1975, Irish statesman, b. New York City. He was taken as a child to Ireland. As a young man he joined the movement…

Fish, Hamilton, 1808–93, American statesman

(Encyclopedia) Fish, Hamilton, 1808–93, American statesman, b. New York City, grad. Columbia, 1827; son of Nicholas Fish (1758–1833). He studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1830. Named for his…

Quayle, Dan

(Encyclopedia) Quayle, Dan (James Danforth Quayle), 1947–, Vice President of the United States (1989–93), b. Indianapolis. He graduated from DePauw Univ. (1969) and served in the Indiana National…