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Charles Pinckney: A Steady and Open Republican

A Steady and Open RepublicanCharles PinckneyMonday, May 5, 1788Mrs. Timothy The enclosed,[23] copied from a paper sent me by a friend, seems so peculiarly adapted to our present situation,…

Nemtsov, Boris Yefimovich

(Encyclopedia) Nemtsov, Boris Yefimovich, 1959–2015, Russian physicist and politician. He worked at the Gorky Radiophysics Research Institute (1981–90) before he was elected to the Soviet Congress of…

Fine Gael

(Encyclopedia) Fine GaelFine Gaelfēˈnə gāl [key], Irish political party. Formed in 1933, it was the successor of the party founded by William Cosgrave that held power from the creation of the Irish…

Seward, William Henry

(Encyclopedia) Seward, William Henry, 1801–72, American statesman, b. Florida, Orange co., N.Y. In 1861, Seward became Secretary of State under Abraham Lincoln, and many expected him to be the…

La Follette, Robert Marion

(Encyclopedia) La Follette, Robert MarionLa Follette, Robert Marionləfŏlˈĭt [key], 1855–1925, American political leader, U.S. Senator from Wisconsin (1906–25), b. Primrose, Wis. Robert La Follete's…

Gray, Horace

(Encyclopedia) Gray, Horace, 1828–1902, American jurist, associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1881–1902), b. Boston. At first a reporter (1854–61) to the Massachusetts supreme court, he later…

Wallace, Henry Agard

(Encyclopedia) Wallace, Henry Agard, 1888–1965, vice president of the United States (1941–45), b. Adair co., Iowa; grad. Iowa State Univ. He was (1910–24) associate editor of Wallaces' Farmer, an…

Arthur, Chester Alan

(Encyclopedia) Arthur, Chester Alan, 1829–86, 21st President of the United States (1881–85), b. Fairfield, Vt. He studied law and before the Civil War practiced in New York City. In the war he was (…

Davis, Henry Winter

(Encyclopedia) Davis, Henry Winter, 1817–65, American political leader, b. Annapolis, Md. He was elected (1854) to the House of Representatives on the Know-Nothing ticket and was twice reelected (…

Brownell, Herbert, Jr.

(Encyclopedia) Brownell, Herbert, Jr.Brownell, Herbert, Jr.brounĕlˈ [key], 1904–96, U.S. attorney general (1953–57), b. Peru, Nebr. A lawyer in private practice in New York City (1927–53, 1957–89),…