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Eaton, Amos

(Encyclopedia) Eaton, AmosEaton, Amosēˈtən [key], 1776–1842, American naturalist, b. Chatham, N.Y., grad. Williams College, 1799. After practicing law for a time, he conducted pioneer geological…

Harriot, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Harriot, ThomasHarriot, Thomashârˈēət [key], 1560–1621, English mathematician and astronomer. He was tutor to Sir Walter Raleigh, who sent him in 1585 to Virginia as surveyor with Sir…

Rous, Francis Peyton

(Encyclopedia) Rous, Francis Peyton, 1879–1970, American pathologist, b. Baltimore, educated at Johns Hopkins (B.A., 1900; M.D., 1905). He taught (1906–8) pathology at the Univ. of Michigan and in…

Cope, Edward Drinker

(Encyclopedia) Cope, Edward Drinker, 1840–97, American paleontologist and comparative anatomist, b. Philadelphia, studied at the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, and at the Smithsonian…

Wickersham, George Woodward

(Encyclopedia) Wickersham, George Woodward, 1858–1936, American lawyer and government official, b. Pittsburgh. He began law practice in Philadelphia, and after moving (1882) to New York City, he…

Strachey, William

(Encyclopedia) Strachey, William, 1572–1621, English colonial historian; educated at Cambridge. In 1609 he sailed to Virginia with Sir Thomas Gates. A storm wrecked his ship in the Bermudas, and the…

Mooney, Thomas J.

(Encyclopedia) Mooney, Thomas J., 1883–1942, American labor agitator, b. Chicago. He was an active leader in several violent labor struggles in California before 1916 and was convicted as a…

Kerr, Clark

(Encyclopedia) Kerr, ClarkKerr, Clarkkûr, kär [key], 1911–2003, American educational reformer, b. Reading, Pa., grad. Swarthmore College (B.A., 1932) and the Univ. of California at Berkeley (Ph.D.,…

Kelley, Oliver Hudson

(Encyclopedia) Kelley, Oliver Hudson, 1826–1913, American agriculturist, b. Boston. He was a founder of the National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry, the central influence in the Granger movement…

McDonald Observatory

(Encyclopedia) McDonald Observatory, astronomical observatory located on Mt. Locke, near Fort Davis, Tex.; founded in 1932, sponsored by the Univ. of Texas in cooperation with the Univ. of Chicago.…