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What Is the Most Haunted State in America?

Top of Page Source: iStockAmerica is home to thousands of disturbing destinations, from ghost towns to graveyards, and bloody battlefields to Native burial grounds. Many states could stake a valid…

November 2021 Current Events: World News

Top of Page US News | Science & Technology News | Disaster News The world is a very busy place, and it's hard to stay on top of everything. Infoplease has got you covered. Here are the US news…

America's Troubled Waters

Source: U.S. PIRG, Troubled Waters: An Analysis of Clean Water Act Compliance, 2007. Since 1972, the Clean Water Act has made significant strides in cleaning up U.S. waterways. Unfortunately, the…

Cuba Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Cuba Index: People and Religion History Government National Security Economy Foreign Relations U.S.-Cuban Relations PEOPLE AND RELIGIONCuba is a…

July 2001 News and Events

World David Trimble Resigns (July 1): First minister of the Northern Ireland Assembly steps down as IRA continues to balk at disarmament. Russians Raid Two Chechen Villages (July 3 et seq.):…

January 2002

WorldMarines Secure Taliban Compounds (Jan. 1): Two hundred soldiers leave Kandahar to wage extensive American ground operation. Argentina Gets Fifth President in Two Weeks (Jan. 1): Congress…

Entertainment News from October 2000

4The premiere of the sophomore season of The West Wing lands record ratings, with an estimated 25 million viewers tuning in to the Emmy-winning drama. 6Oscar-nominated actor Richard…

2012 World News: Iran

Advances in Nuclear Program Lead to Additional Sanctions and Increased Tension with Israel by Beth Rowen Mahmoud AhmadinejadRelated Links Iran Country…