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Wood, Leonard

(Encyclopedia) Wood, Leonard, 1860–1927, American general and administrator, b. Winchester, N.H. After practicing medicine briefly in Boston, he entered the army in 1885 and was made an assistant…

Work Projects Administration

(Encyclopedia) Work Projects Administration (WPA), former U.S. government agency, established in 1935 by executive order of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt as the Works Progress Administration;…

near-death experience

(Encyclopedia) near-death experience, phenomenon reported by some people who have been clinically dead, then returned to life. Descriptions of the experience differ slightly in detail from person to…

Isherwood, Christopher

(Encyclopedia) Isherwood, ChristopherIsherwood, Christopherishˈərw&oobreve;d [key], 1904–86, British-American author. After the appearance of his first novel, All the Conspirators (1928),…

Dow Jones Average

(Encyclopedia) Dow Jones Average, indicators used to measure and report value changes in representative stock groupings on the New York stock exchange. There are four different averages—industrial…

relocation center

(Encyclopedia) relocation center, in U.S. history, camp in which Japanese and Japanese-Americans were interned during World War II. Fearing a Japanese invasion, the military leaders, under authority…


(Encyclopedia) committee, one or more persons appointed or elected to consider, report on, or take action on a particular matter. Because of the advantages of a division of labor, legislative…

Ahern, Bertie

(Encyclopedia) Ahern, Bertie (Bartholomew Patrick Ahern)Ahern, Bertieəhûrnˈ [key], 1951–, Irish politician, prime minister of the Republic of Ireland (1997–2008). Born into a working-class family, he…

Starr, Kenneth Winston

(Encyclopedia) Starr, Kenneth Winston, 1946–2022, American public official, b. Vernon, Tex., grad. George Washington Univ. (B.A., 1968), Brown (M.A.,…

bicycle racing

(Encyclopedia) bicycle racing or cycling, an internationally popular sport conducted on closed courses or the open road. Track racing takes place at a velodrome, usually a banked 1,093.6 ft (.333 km…