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Displaying 161 - 170

Brewer's: Oaks

(The). One of the three great classic races of England. The Derby and Oaks are run at Epsom, and the St. Leger at Doncaster. The Oaks, in the parish of Woodmanstone, received its name from…

Brewer's: Emblems of the Jewish Temple

(See Exod. xxv. 30-32; Rev. i. 12-20.) Golden candlestick. The Church. Its seven lights, the seven spirits of God. (Rev. iv. 6.) The shewbread. The twelve loaves the twelve tribes of…

Brewer's: Michaelmas Day

September 29th, one of the quarter-days when rents are paid, and the day when magistrates are elected. Michael the archangel is represented in the Bible as the general of the celestial…

Brewer's: Molly Maguires

An Irish secret society organised in 1843. Stout, active young Irishmen, dressed up in women's clothes, blackened faces, and otherwise disguised, to surprise those employed to enforce the…

Brewer's: Vampire

An extortioner. According to Dom Calmet, the vampire is a dead man who returns in body and soul from the other world, and wanders about the earth doing mischief to the living. He sucks the…

Brewer's: Wayleaves

Right of way through private property for the laying of waterpipes and making of sewers, etc., provided that only the surface-soil is utilised by the…

Brewer's: Mantle of Fidelity

(The). A little boy one day presented himself before King Arthur, and showed him a curious mantle, “which would become no wife that was not leal.” Queen Guinever tried it, but it changed…

Brewer's: Grange

Properly the granum (granary) or farm of a monastery, where the corn was kept in store. In Lincolnshire and other northern counties any lone farm is so called. Mariana, of the Moated…

Brewer's: Greek Calends Never.

To defer anything to the Greek Calends is to defer it sine die. There were no calends in the Greek months. The Romans used to pay rents, taxes, bills, etc., on the calends, and to defer…

Brewer's: Church Porch

(The) was used in ancient times for settling money transactions, paying dowries, rents, and purchases of estates. Consequently, it was furnished with benches on both sides. Hence, Lord…