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Upcoming Blockbusters and Indie Gems

Armageddon The film has a publicity machine behind it the likes of Independence Day, but it doesn't have lucky charm Will Smith. Current It boy Ben Affleck will likely fill seats, but it remains…

III. Ozone FAQ

What is the ozone layer and why is it important? The ozone layer is a concentration of ozone molecules in the stratosphere. About 90% of the planet's ozone is in the ozone layer. The layer…

Ferguson Shooting Sparks National Outrage

The shooting of a teenager by a police officer in a St. Louis suburb leads to unrest and unanswered questions. Protestors in Ferguson, Mo. Related Links Major Race…


(Encyclopedia) amphetamineamphetamineămfĕtˈəmēn [key], any one of a group of drugs that are powerful central nervous system stimulants. Amphetamines have stimulating effects opposite to the effects…

Iran-contra affair

(Encyclopedia) Iran-contra affair, in U.S. history, secret arrangement in the 1980s to provide funds to the Nicaraguan contra rebels from profits gained by selling arms to Iran. The Iran-contra…