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Canetti, Elias

(Encyclopedia) Canetti, EliasCanetti, Eliaskənĕtˈē [key], 1905–94, English novelist and essayist, b. Ruschuk (now Ruse), Bulgaria. He came from a Sephardic Jewish background, spent most of his early…

James, William

(Encyclopedia) James, William, 1842–1910, American philosopher, b. New York City, M.D. Harvard, 1869; son of the Swedenborgian theologian Henry James and brother of the novelist Henry James. In 1872…

Notable Scientists: Life Sciences

  Biologists, botanists, geneticists, medical scientists, microbiologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, and zoologists       Related Links Cloning: Facts and Fallacies…

Frazer, Sir James George

(Encyclopedia) Frazer, Sir James George, 1854–1941, Scottish classicist and anthropologist, b. Glasgow, educated at the universities of Glasgow and Cambridge. He is known especially for his…


(Encyclopedia) glossolaliaglossolaliaglŏsˌəlāˈlēə [key] [Gr.,=speaking in tongues], ecstatic utterances usually of unintelligible sounds made by individuals in a state of religious excitement.…


(Encyclopedia) mandalamandalamŭnˈdələ [key], [Skt.,=circular, round] a concentric diagram having spiritual and ritual significance in Hindu and Buddhist Tantrism. The mandala may have derived from…


(Encyclopedia) emotion, term commonly and loosely used to denote individual, subjective feelings which dictate moods. In psychology, emotion is considered a response to stimuli that involves…

Botvinnik, Mikhail Moiseyevich

(Encyclopedia) Botvinnik, Mikhail Moiseyevich, 1911–95, Soviet chess grandmaster, b. near St. Petersburg. He learned chess at the age of 12 and within a decade became the Soviet champion, a title he…

Tirole, Jean Marcel

(Encyclopedia) Tirole, Jean Marcel, 1953–, French economist, Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1981. He was a professor of at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1984–91) and École…

Roman de la Rose, Le

(Encyclopedia) Roman de la Rose, LeRoman de la Rose, Lelə rōmäNˈ də lä rōz [key], French poem of 22,000 lines in eight-syllable couplets. It is in two parts. The first (4,058 lines) was written (c.…