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Popper, Sir Karl Raimund

(Encyclopedia) Popper, Sir Karl Raimund, 1902–94, Anglo-Austrian philosopher, b. Vienna. He became familiar with the Vienna circle of logical positivists (see logical positivism) while a student at…

<i>Eclipse</i> Trivia

Learn about the symbolism, origin of names, and other interesting tidbits about Twilight Related Links Twilight Page Twilight Quiz…

Women's Suffrage: Why the Book is Written

by Carrie Chapman Catt and Nettie Rogers Shuler How the Woman Suffrage Movement Began Why the Book is Written The campaign for woman suffrage in America long since ended. Gone are the days of…

Mental Illness: Facts about Suicide

Facts about Suicide Source: National Institute of Mental Health Related Links: Almanac: Health National Institute of Mental HealthAmerican Psychological Association Suicide In 2004,…

Mental Illness: Facts about Panic Disorders

Facts about Panic Disorders Source: National Institute of Mental Health Related Links: Almanac: HealthNational Institute of Mental HealthAmerican Psychological Association Panic Disorder Panic…

Brewer's: Atomic Philosophy

The hypothesis of Leucippus, Democritus, and Epicurus, that the world is composed of a congeries of atoms, or particles of matter so minute as to be incapable of further diminution. Of…

Summer Sizzlers | August 2000

by Beth Rowen Cecil B. DeMented John Waters lashes out against mainstream film in his latest entry, which the outlandish auteur named after himself. (It's his nickname.) Stephen Dorff plays the…

Literary Allusions

Boswell: James Boswell (1740–95) is best known for his 1791 book The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D., considered by many to be the greatest English-language biography ever written. His name is…