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The Supreme Court: Abortion & Roe v. Wade

Photo Source: iStock The U.S. Supreme Court, founded in 1789, is the highest federal court in America. Located in Washington D.C., it has final jurisdiction over all federal and state court cases…

For More Information

There is no “international copyright” that will automatically protect an author's work throughout the entire world. Protection against unauthorized use in a particular country depends basically on…

What Are Proper Precautions?

Preventing skin cancer and eye damage. Skin cancer is increasing faster than any other form of cancer, with over 1 million new cases predicted to occur in the U.S. this year. Listen to the…

Aitareya-Aranyaka: Seventh Adhyâya

Seventh Adhyâya[104]First Khanda1. My speech rests in the mind, my mind rests in speech[105]. Appear to me (thou, the Highest Self)! You (speech and mind) are the two pins[106] (that hold the…

How to Play Safely on the Field

There are many benefits associated with sports activities, including getting cardiovascular exercise, building self-esteem and learning the value of teamwork. However, there is one important aspect…

H1N1 (Swine Flu) in Humans FAQs

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, August 2009 H1N1 (Swine Flu) FAQs Swine Flu in Pigs Are there human infections with novel H1N1 virus in…

User's Guide to Environmental Language

acid rain: Rain contaminated with pollutants such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. These gases come from fuels being burned at high temperatures and from car exhausts. When acid rain…

Floyd M. Boring Biography

Secret Service agentDied: February 1, 2008 (Silver Spring, Maryland) Best Known as: Secret Service agent who guarded five U.S. presidents Floyd Boring was a…

The Supreme Court: Louis Brandeis (1916-1939)

Louis Brandeis (1916-1939)The Supreme CourtGreat Minds of the CourtJoseph Story (1811-1845)Oliver Wendell Holmes (1902-1932)Louis Brandeis (1916-1939)Benjamin Cardozo (1932-1938)Hugo Black (…