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Emory University

(Encyclopedia) Emory UniversityEmory Universityĕmˈərē [key], near Atlanta, Ga.; coeducational; United Methodist; chartered as Emory College 1836, opened 1837 at Oxford. It became Emory Univ. in 1915…

Fair Employment Practices Committee

(Encyclopedia) Fair Employment Practices Committee (FEPC), established (1941) within the Office of Production Management by executive order of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. It was created to…

Commonwealth Fund

(Encyclopedia) Commonwealth Fund, foundation established (1918) by Anna M. Harkness, wife of Stephen V. Harkness, an early Standard Oil investor, “for the welfare of mankind.” Its headquarters are in…

Alcoholics Anonymous

(Encyclopedia) Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), worldwide organization dedicated to the treatment of alcoholics; founded 1935 by two alcoholics, one a New York broker, the other an Ohio physician. They…

Canalejas y Méndez, José

(Encyclopedia) Canalejas y Méndez, JoséCanalejas y Méndez, Joséhōsāˈ känälāˈhäs ē mānˈdāth [key], 1854–1912, Spanish politician. After holding several cabinet posts, he became premier in 1910. A…

Missouri River basin project

(Encyclopedia) Missouri River basin project, comprehensive plan authorized in 1944 for the coordinated development of water resources of the Missouri River and its tributaries, draining an area of c.…

Rutgers University

(Encyclopedia) Rutgers University, main campus at New Brunswick, N.J.; land-grant and state supported; coeducational except for Douglass College; chartered 1766 as Queen's College, opened 1771.…

socialized medicine

(Encyclopedia) socialized medicine, publicly administered system of national health care. The term is used to describe programs that range from government operation of medical facilities to national…

reclamation of land

(Encyclopedia) reclamation of land, practice of converting land deemed unproductive into arable land by such methods as irrigation, drainage, flood control, altering the texture and mineral and…

Montt, Jorge

(Encyclopedia) Montt, JorgeMontt, Jorgehôrˈhā mōnt [key], 1846–1922, Chilean vice admiral, president of Chile (1891–96). He was a distant relative of Manuel and Pedro Montt. A leader in the ruinous…