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Robinson-Patman Act

(Encyclopedia) Robinson-Patman Act, passed by the U.S. Congress in 1936 to supplement the Clayton Antitrust Act. The act, advanced by Congressman Wright Patman, forbade any person or firm engaged in…

Bierstadt, Albert

(Encyclopedia) Bierstadt, AlbertBierstadt, Albertbērˈstät [key], 1830–1902, American painter of Western scenery, b. Germany. After traveling and sketching throughout the mountains of Europe, he…


(Encyclopedia) physiocratsphysiocratsfĭzˈēəkrătsˌ [key], school of French thinkers in the 18th cent. who evolved the first complete system of economics. They were also referred to simply as “the…

commodity market

(Encyclopedia) commodity market, organized traders' exchange in which standardized, graded products are bought and sold. Worldwide, there are more than 20 major commodity exchanges and many smaller…

Tymoshenko, Yulia Volodymyrivna

(Encyclopedia) Tymoshenko, Yulia Volodymyrivna, 1960–, Ukrainian political leader, prime minister of Ukraine (2005, 2007–10), b. Dnipro (Dnipropetrovsk). She studied economics and cybernetics at…

book collecting

(Encyclopedia) book collecting, or bibliophily, the acquiring of books that are, or are expected to become, rare and that possess permanent interest in addition to their texts. Collecting has…

Laughlin, James Laurence

(Encyclopedia) Laughlin, James LaurenceLaughlin, James Laurencelŏfˈlĭn [key], 1850–1933, American economist, b. Deerfield, Ohio, Ph.D. Harvard, 1876. He was a distinguished teacher, and as head of…

López Portillo y Pacheco, José

(Encyclopedia) López Portillo y Pacheco, JoséLópez Portillo y Pacheco, Joséhōsāˈ lôˈpās pôrtēˈyò ē pächākō [key], 1920–2004, Mexican political leader and president (1976–82). A lawyer and university…

Nonpartisan League

(Encyclopedia) Nonpartisan League, in U.S. history, political pressure group of farmers and workers organized in 1915 and led by a former socialist, Arthur C. Townley, who believed that the solution…


(Encyclopedia) chinchillachinchillachĭnchĭlˈə [key], small burrowing rodent of South America. It lives in colonies at high altitudes (up to 15,000 ft/4,270 m) in the Andes of Bolivia, Chile, and Peru…