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Displaying 301 - 310

Brewer's: O. P. Riot

(Old Price Riot). When the new Covent Garden theatre was opened in 1809, the charges of admission were increased, but night after night for three months a throng crowded the pit, shouting…

Brewer's: Dumb-bidding

A sale by auction effected thus: The owner fixes an upset-price on an article, writes it on a slip of paper, and covers the slip up. The article is then offered to the bidders, and…

Brewer's: Urbi et Orbi

[To Rome and the rest of the world]. A form used in the publication of Papal bulls. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894UrdUpset Price A B C D E F G H I…

Jimmy Carter (January 16, 1981)

To the Congress of the United States: The State of the Union is sound. Our economy is recovering from a recession. A national energy plan is in place and our dependence on foreign oil is…

Sochi: the Host City

The port city and subtropical resort was established in 1902 Sochi Seaport Related Links 2014 Winter OlympicsMemorable Olympic MomentsBirth of the Modern OlympicsEncyclopedia:…