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Glossary of Financial Terms

Adjusted gross income Amount of income that is subject to federal income tax. In addition to any other tax credits, contributions to IRAs and 401(k) plans are subtracted from the total. Aggressive…

Stock Market Goes Decimal

Complicated fractions abandoned in favor of pennies by David Johnson Related Links Stock Market BasicsDow 101Most Active Stocks on the NYSETop Stocks by Market Value Dow Jones Industrial Average…

Dow 101

Five Fundamental Facts About the Dow Jones Industrial Average The Index Is Not Truly Industrial Though its name would lead you to believe it is composed of only industrial companies, in fact the…

Federal Budget Glossary

Concise definitions of federal budget related terms by Jennie Wood Related Links Business Basics QuizThe Public DebtNobel Prize for EconomicsLabor and Employment In 2013…

Global Food Crisis

Food shortages and price increases spark violence and debate by Mark Hughes Food shortages have been reported worldwide. Related Links Year of the Potato Underreported…

da Silva, Luiz Inácio

(Encyclopedia) da Silva, Luiz Inácioda Silva, Luiz Ináciol&oomacr;ēshˈ ēnäsˈy&oomacr; dä sēlˈvə [key], 1945–, Brazilian labor leader and politician, known as Lula, b. Vargem Grande (now…

Sun Belt

(Encyclopedia) Sun Belt or Sunbelt, southern tier of the United States, focused on Florida, Texas, Arizona, and California, and extending as far north as Virginia. The term gained wide use in the…

Video Game Consoles

Reviews of the hottest game consoles by Mark Hughes Nintendo Wii Related Links Video Games Timeline Video Games Quiz   Wii | Xbox 360 | PlayStation 3 Wii Release…