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Displaying 481 - 490

A Telegram

A Telegram"November is the most disagreeable month in the whole year," said Margaret, standing at the window one dull afternoon, looking out at the frostbitten garden."That's the reason I was…

Coleridge: Part the Second

Part the FirstPart the Second "Each matin bell," the Baron saith, "Knells us back to a world of death." These words Sir Leoline first said, When he rose and found his lady dead…

Peter Pan: The Flight

Come Away, Come Away! The Island Come True The Flight "Second to the right, and straight on till morning." That, Peter had told Wendy, was the way to the Neverland; but even birds…

Amy's Will

Amy's WillWhile these things were happening at home, Amy was having hard times at Aunt March's. She felt her exile deeply, and for the first time in her life, realized how much she was…

Federal Farmer XII

Federal Farmer XII12 January 1788by See also Federalist No. 61Dear sir,On carefully examining the parts of the proposed system, respecting the elections of senators, and especially of the…

Coleridge: France: an Ode, Notes

Kubla KhanDejection: an OdeFrance: an Ode When Coleridge republished this poem in the Post in 1802 he prefixed to it the following Argument First Stanza. An invocation to those objects…