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North Dakota State University

(Encyclopedia) North Dakota State University, at Fargo; land-grant and state supported; coeducational; chartered and opened 1890 as North Dakota Agricultural College, achieved university status in…

coffee tree, Kentucky

(Encyclopedia) coffee tree, Kentucky, common name for the plant species Gymnocladus dioica, a tree of the family Leguminosae (pulse family) and native to the E United States. The seeds of the woody…

Bolley, Henry Luke

(Encyclopedia) Bolley, Henry Luke, 1865–1956, American plant pathologist, b. Dearborn co., Ind. He is noted for his work on organisms causing diseases of crop plants (including the discovery of the…

rust, in botany

(Encyclopedia) rust, in botany, name for various parasitic fungi of the order Uredinales and for the diseases of plants that they cause. Rusts form reddish patches of spores on the host plant. About…


(Encyclopedia) yam, common name for some members of the Dioscoreaceae, a family of tropical and subtropical climbing herbs or shrubs with starchy rhizomes often cultivated for food. The largest genus…


(Encyclopedia) wintergreen or checkerberry, low evergreen plant (Gaultheria procumbens) of the family Ericaceae (heath family), native to sandy and acid woods (usually of evergreens) of E North…


(Encyclopedia) perennial, any plant that under natural conditions lives for several to many growing seasons, as contrasted to an annual or a biennial. Botanically, the term perennial applies to both…


(Encyclopedia) Fukushima Fukushima f&oobreve;k&oomacr;ˈshĭmä [key], city, capital of Fukushima prefecture, N…

rotation of crops

(Encyclopedia) rotation of crops, agricultural practice of varying the crops on a piece of land in a planned series, to save or increase the mineral or organic content of the soil, to increase crop…

insectivorous plants

(Encyclopedia) insectivorous plants: see bladderwort; pitcher plant; Venus's-flytrap.