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(Encyclopedia) perspective, in art, any method employed to represent three-dimensional space on a flat surface or in relief sculpture. Although many periods in art showed some progressive diminution…

Bosse, Abraham

(Encyclopedia) Bosse, AbrahamBosse, Abrahamäbrä-ämˈ bôs [key], 1602–76, French engraver and painter. He studied art in Paris and became a teacher of perspective in the Académie royale. A prolific and…

Pozzo, Andrea dal

(Encyclopedia) Pozzo, Andrea dalPozzo, Andrea daländrĕˈä däl pŏtˈtsō [key], 1647–1709, Italian painter. Pozzo was a Jesuit priest and leading exponent of the baroque style. He was celebrated for his…

Delvaux, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Delvaux, Paul, 1897–1994, Belgian painter. Delvaux, influenced by Magritte and Chirico, created meticulous surreal compositions based on Renaissance ideas of perspective and peopled…


(Encyclopedia) AgatharchusAgatharchusăgˌəthärˈkəs [key], fl. 5th cent. b.c., Greek painter of the Athenian school, b. Samos. He is credited by Vitruvius with important discoveries in application of…

Gravelot, Hubert

(Encyclopedia) Gravelot, HubertGravelot, Hubertübĕrˈ grävlōˈ [key], 1699–1772, French engraver. Gravelot was instrumental in introducing the French rococo pictorial tradition to England. The books he…

Toscanelli, Paolo dal Pozzo

(Encyclopedia) Toscanelli, Paolo dal PozzoToscanelli, Paolo dal Pozzopäˈōlō däl pôtˈtsō tōskänĕlˈlē [key], 1397–1482, Italian cosmographer and mathematician. A physician by training, he was also…

Naevius, Gnaeus

(Encyclopedia) Naevius, GnaeusNaevius, Gnaeusnīˈəs nēˈvəs [key], c.264–195 b.c., Roman poet and dramatist. Born in Campania, he served in the first Punic War (264–241 b.c.), which he evoked in De…

Brunelleschi, Filippo

(Encyclopedia) Brunelleschi, FilippoBrunelleschi, Filippofēlēpˈpō br&oomacr;nĕl-lĕsˈkē [key], 1377–1446, first great architect of the Italian Renaissance, a Florentine by birth. Trained as…

Taylor, Brook

(Encyclopedia) Taylor, Brook, 1685–1731, English mathematician. He originated Taylor's theorem, a formula important in differential calculus, which relates a function to its derivatives by means of a…