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health maintenance organization

(Encyclopedia) health maintenance organization (HMO), type of prepaid medical service in which members pay a monthly or yearly fee for all health care, including hospitalization. The term “health…

Prakrit literature

(Encyclopedia) Prakrit literature. By the 6th cent. b.c. the people of India were speaking and writing languages that were much simpler than classical Sanskrit. These vernacular forms, of which there…

Estrada, Joseph Marcelo Ejercito

(Encyclopedia) Estrada, Joseph Marcelo Ejercito, 1937–, Filipino actor and politician, b. Jose Marcelo Ejercito. Under the name Erap Estrada, he became a popular action-film star whose roles often…


(Encyclopedia) cryptosporidiumcryptosporidiumkrĭpˌtōspərĭdˈēəm [key], genus of protozoans having at least four species; they are waterborne parasites that cause the disease cryptosporidiosis. One of…


(Encyclopedia) FulaniFulanif&oomacr;läˈnē [key], people of W Africa, numbering approximately 14 million. They are of mixed sub-Saharan African and Berber origin. First recorded as living in the…

Gaucher's disease

(Encyclopedia) Gaucher's diseaseGaucher's diseasegōshāzˈ [key], rare genetic disease involving a deficiency of an enzyme, glucocerebrosidase, which normally breaks down certain body glycolipids (i.e…


(Encyclopedia) tinnitus, the hearing of sounds in the absence of any external sound, also known as ringing in the ears. The sounds may be perceived as hissing, whistling, buzzing, swooshing, roaring…

Nkrumah, Kwame

(Encyclopedia) Nkrumah, Kwame Nkrumah, Kwame kwäˈmā nkr&oomacr;ˈmä [key], 1909–72, African political leader, prime…


(Encyclopedia) PimaPimapēˈmə [key], Native North American tribe of S Arizona. They speak the Pima language of the Uto-Aztecan branch of the Aztec-Tanoan linguistic family (see Native American…

John William King, 1999 News

24, movie-theater manager, was found guilty of capital murder and sentenced to life in prison in Nov. by a Texas jury for participating in the 1998 dragging death of James Byrd. John…