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Information Please Partners Page

PartnershipsCompany Overview | Advertising | Partnerships | Contact Us For partner information, please email us at editors[at] is more than a valuable research tool…

Information Please Registration Page

Enter Our Weekly Drawing! Sign up with Infoplease and you're automatically entered into our weekly drawings for almanacs, Infoplease t-shirts, and more. By signing up you will also be…

Brewer's: Letters at the Foot of a Page

Printers affix a letter to the first page of each sheet; these letters are called signatures. They begin with B, and sometimes, but not always, omit J, V, W. A is reserved for the title…


(Encyclopedia) AlcmanAlcmanălkˈmən [key], fl. 620 b.c., Greek lyric poet of Sparta. He was the earliest writer of Dorian choral poetry whose work has survived. Short choral fragments and a longer one…

World Wide Web

(Encyclopedia) World Wide Web (WWW or W3), collection of globally distributed text and multimedia documents and files and other network services linked in such a way as to create an immense…


(Encyclopedia) LurayLurayl&oobreve;rāˈ [key], town (1990 pop. 4,587), seat of Page co., N Va., in the Shenandoah valley, in a farm area; inc. 1812. There is light manufacturing and the town is…


(Encyclopedia) Wheaton. 1 City (1990 pop. 51,464), seat of Du Page co., NE Ill., a residential suburb of Chicago; inc. 1859. It is a religious center and the headquarters of the Theosophical Society…

Dexter, Timothy

(Encyclopedia) Dexter, Timothy, 1747–1806, American merchant and eccentric, b. Malden, Mass. He gained a fortune from the American Revolution by buying up depreciated certificates of indebtedness…


(Encyclopedia) facsimilefacsimilefăksĭmˈəlē [key] or fax, in communications, system for transmitting pictures or other graphic matter by wire or radio. Facsimile is used to transmit such materials as…