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Turkana, Lake

(Encyclopedia) Turkana, Lake, c.2,500 sq mi (6,475 sq km), NW Kenya and SW Ethiopia, E Africa, in the Great Rift Valley; alt. 1,230 ft (375 m). Surrounded by desolate, volcanic mountains, the 170-mi-…


(Encyclopedia) XinhuiXinhuishĭn-hwē [key] or SunwuiXinhuis&oomacr;nˈwēˈ [key], town (1994 est. pop. 254,700), S Guangdong prov., SE China, in the Xi River delta, near Guangzhou. It has fruit…


(Encyclopedia) MenashaMenashamənăshˈə [key], city (1990 pop. 14,711), Winnebago co., E Wis., on Lake Winnebago and the Fox River, adjacent to its twin city of Neenah; settled 1840s, inc. 1874.…


(Encyclopedia) SecaucusSecaucussēkôˈkəs [key], town (1990 pop. 14,061), Hudson co., NE N.J., on the Hackensack River, adjoining Jersey City; inc. 1917. It is a distribution and factory-outlet center…


(Encyclopedia) PadangPadangpädängˈ [key], city (1990 pop. 631,263), capital of Sumatra Barat prov., on W Sumatra, Indonesia, on the Indian Ocean at the mouth of the small Padang River. An important…

Enriquillo, Lago

(Encyclopedia) Enriquillo, LagoEnriquillo, Lagolägˈō ĕnˌrēkēˈlyō [key], salt lake, SW Dominican Republic, the largest lake of Hispaniola and the Caribbean islands, c.89 ft. (27 m) below sea level.…


(Encyclopedia) cloacacloacaklōāˈkə [key], in biology, enlarged posterior end of the digestive tract of some animals. The cloaca, from the Latin word for sewer, is a single chamber into which pass…


(Encyclopedia) Almería Almería älmārēˈä [key], city, capital of Almería prov., SE Spain, in Andalusia, on the Gulf of Almería. A busy Mediterranean port, it exports the…

Urmia, Lake

(Encyclopedia) Urmia, LakeUrmia, Lakeûrˈmēə [key], formerly Lake Rezaiyeh, shallow salt lake, NW Iran; alt. 4,180 ft (1,275 m). The largest lake in Iran, it has no outlet and receives the drainage of…

gas mask

(Encyclopedia) gas mask, face covering or device used to protect the wearer from injurious gases and other noxious materials by filtering and purifying inhaled air. In addition to military use (see…