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Brewer's: Slick Off

To finish a thing there and then without stopping; to make a clean sweep of a job in hand. Judge Haliburton's Sam Slick popularised the word. (German, schlicht, sleek, polished, hence…

Brewer's: Set Off

(A). A commercial expression. The credits are set off against the debits, and the balance struck. Set off to advantage. A term used by jewellers, who set off precious stone by…

Brewer's: Pair Off

When two members of Parliament, or two opposing electors, agree to absent themselves, and not to vote, so that one neutralises the vote of the other. The Whips generally find the pairs for…

Brewer's: Palm Off

(To) wares, tricks, etc., upon the unwary. The allusion is to jugglers, who conceal in the palm of their hand what they pretend to dispose of in some other way. These jugglers were…

Brewer's: Come Off

(To). To occur, to take place. (Anglo-Saxon, of-cuman = Latin, pro-cedo, to proceed.) To come off with honours is to proceed to the end successfully. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and…

Brewer's: Drive Off

To defer, to procrastinate. The idea is, running away or drawing off from something that ought to be done, with the promise of coming to it at a future time. Source: Dictionary of Phrase…

Brewer's: Drop off

(To). “Friends drop off,” fall away gradually. “To drop off to sleep,” to fall asleep (especially in weariness or sickness). Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Brewer's: Fall Off

(To). To detach themselves; to be thrown off [a horse]; to leave. The Latin decido. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Fall OutFall In A B C D E F G H…

Brewer's: Hit it Off

(To). To describe a thing tersely and epigrammatically; to make a sketch truthfully and quickly. The French say, “Ce pcintre vous saisit la resemblance en un clin d'oeil.” Source:…

Living Off the Grid

What does it really mean to live off the grid? by Jennie Wood More and more families are choosing off the grid living. Related Links Earth Day…