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Winter Holidays by the Numbers

From the U.S. Census Bureau Related Links Origins of the Christmas Holiday Christmas Traditions Why a Christmas Tree? Quiz: Christmas Customs A Charlie Brown Christmas…

Fourth of July by the Numbers

Census facts just perfect for July 4 Source: U.S. Census Bureau Related Links National Hot Dog Month BBQ Primer Immigration Immigrants to U.S. by Country of Origin…

Labor Day by the Numbers

Census Bureau facts for Labor Day Related Links Persons in the Labor Force Mothers in the Labor Force Women in the Labor Force Civilian Labor Force Unemployment Rate in the…

Sports and the Number 13

A handful of athletes who dared to wear the infamous number Athletes Who Have Worn No. 13: NFL Danny Kanell - Atlanta Kurt Warner - St. Louis NHL Bill Guerin - Boston Valeri…

U.S. Immigration by the Numbers

Immigration Statistics from the most recent data available from the Department of Homeland Security   Related Links Notable U.S. Immigrants Immigration Facts The Green Card…

Rolling Stones by the Numbers

Facts and stats about Rolling Stones hits, albums and other milestones   Mick Jagger and Keith Richards Source: WikiCommons Related Links Lasting Influence of the Rolling Stones…

Brewer's: Number of the Beast

“It is the number of a man, and his number is Six hundred threescore and six” (Rev. xiii. 18). This number has been applied to divers persons previously assumed to be Antichrist; as…

Brewer's: Number Nip

The gnome king of the Giant Mountains. (Musaeus: Popular Tales.) “She was like one of those portly dowagers in Number Nip's society of metamorphose and turnips.” —LeFanu: The House in the…

Brewer's: Number One

Oneself. To take care of number one, is to look after oneself, to seek one's own interest; to be selfish. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Number of the…

Brewer's: Odd Numbers

Luck in odd numbers. A major chord consists of a fundamental or tonic, its major third, and its just fifth. According to the Pythagorean-system, “all nature is a harmony,” man is a full…