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Perseus, in astronomy

(Encyclopedia) Perseus, in astronomy, northern constellation lying E of Cassiopeia and N of Taurus. It contains the bright star Mirfak (Alpha Persei) and Algol (Beta Persei), a visible variable star…

elephant bird

(Encyclopedia) elephant bird, extinct, flightless bird of the family Aepyornithidae. Once native to the island of Madagascar, these gigantic birds may have survived until as late as 1649. Today, they…

Maxwell, William Keepers, Jr.

(Encyclopedia) Maxwell, William Keepers, Jr., 1908–2000, American novelist, short-story writer, and editor, b. Lincoln, Ill. Educated at the Univ. of Illinois and Harvard, he began his career as a…

Twelfth Night; or, What You Will

Twelfth Night; or, What You Will Sebastian and his sister Viola, a young gentleman and lady of Messaline, were twins, and (which was accounted a great wonder) from their birth they so much…

William Shakespeare: Twelfth Night, Act I

Act IScene IDuke Orsino's palaceEnter Duke Orsino, Curio, and other Lords; Musicians attendingDuke OrsinoIf music be the food of love, play on; Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting, The…

William Shakespeare: Twelfth Night, Act V

Act VScene IBefore Olivia's houseEnter Clown and FabianFabianNow, as thou lovest me, let me see his letter.ClownGood Master Fabian, grant me another request.FabianAny thing.ClownDo not desire…

Amy Lowell: New York at Night

New York at NightA near horizon whose sharp jags Cut brutally into a sky Of leaden heaviness, and crags Of houses lift their masonry Ugly and foul, and chimneys lie And snort, outlined…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Night in June

Night in JuneI left my dreary page and sallied forth, Received the fair inscriptions of the night; The moon was making amber of the world, Glittered with silver every cottage pane, The trees…

Walt Whitman: On the Beach at Night Alone

On the Beach at Night AloneOn the beach at night alone, As the old mother sways her to and fro singing her husky song, As I watch the bright stars shining, I think a thought of the clef…