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Displaying 341 - 350

The Hungry Stones: The Home-Coming

by Rabindranath Tagore Once There Was a KingMy Lord, the BabyThe Home-Coming Phatik Chakravorti was ringleader among the boys of the village. A new mischief got into his head. There…

Peter Pan: The Pirate Ship

Do You Believe in Fairies? "Hook or Me this Time" The Pirate Ship One green light squinting over Kidd's Creek, which is near the mouth of the pirate river, marked where the brig, the…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: June 23, 1804

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark June 22, 1804June 24, 1804June 23, 1804 23rd June Satturday Some wind this morning from the N W. Set out at 7 oC Proceeded on N. 70 d. W 2 Ms. to…

A Boy's Will: In a Vale

by Robert Frost WaitingA Dream PangIn a Vale Out of old longings he fashions a story. WHEN I was young, we dwelt in a vale By a misty fen that rang all night, And thus it was the…

Richard Hovey: At the End of the Day

At the End of the DayRichard HoveyThere is no escape by the river, There is no flight left by the fen; We are compassed about by the shiver Of the night of their marching men. Give a cheer!…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: August 7, 1804

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark August 6, 1804August 8, 1804August 7, 1804 August 7th Tuesday last night about 8 oClock a Storm of wind from the N. W. which lasted 3/4 of an…