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National Security versus Civil Liberties

—By Borgna Brunner Disaster. Hurricane Katrina slammed into the U.S. Gulf Coast on Aug. 29, destroying towns in Mississippi and Louisiana, displacing a million people, and killing almost 1,800.…

2006 National Board of Review Awards

The National Board of Review includes teachers, actors, writers and movie-production workers. The organization publishes the magazine Films in Review. Find out…

Sexual Harassment (1997 News of the Nation)

1997 News of the Nation Politicians weren't the only subjects of investigations in 1997. A series of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, and sexual discrimination complaints in various…

Alfred Lord Tennyson: National Song

National Song There is no land like England Where'er the light of day be; There are no hearts like English hearts, Such hearts of oak as they be. There is no land like England…

The Top Ten: Leading National Advertisers

December 10 - 17 Leading National Advertisers (in millions; ranked by total U.S. advertising spending) RankAdvertiser2006 ad dollars1. Procter & Gamble Co. $4,898.0 2. AT…

Democratic National Convention Keynote Address

'Divide and Conquer' RepublicansA Letter From Forgotten People I got a letter last week from a young mother in Lorena, Texas, and I want to read a part of it to you. She writes, "Our…

Democratic National Convention Keynote Address

A Letter From Forgotten People'To Be All That We Can Be''Divide and Conquer' Republicans This Republican administration treats us as if we were pieces of a puzzle that can't fit together…

Democratic National Convention Keynote Address

'Divide and Conquer' RepublicansWhat They Do/What They Say'To Be All That We Can Be' Now, we Democrats believe that America is still the country of fair play, that we can come out of a…

Democratic National Convention Keynote Address

'To Be All That We Can Be'Debt and Defense: 'A Bum Deal'What They Do/What They Say Now, in contrast, the greatest nation of the free world has had a leader for eight straight years that…

Democratic National Convention Keynote Address

What They Do/What They SayStraight-Talking DemocratsDebt and Defense: 'A Bum Deal' Now, my friends, we really are at a crucial point in American history. Under this administration, we have…