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(Encyclopedia) ZeriZerizēˈrī [key], temple musician: see Izri.

Hahn, Reynaldo

(Encyclopedia) Hahn, Reynaldo, 1875–1947, French musician. Hahn was born in Venezuela and was taken to Paris at three. Among his teachers was Massenet. He wrote much incidental music, songs,…


(Encyclopedia) ShebaniahShebaniahshĕbˌənīˈə [key], in the Bible. 1, 2 Two signers of the Covenant. 3 Priestly signer of the Covenant. An alternate form is Shechaniah. 4 Musician.


(Encyclopedia) BaniBanibāˈnī [key], in the Bible. 1 Musician. 2 Family in the return from exile. 3 The same as Binnui (1.)

Timotheus , Greek poet and musician

(Encyclopedia) TimotheusTimotheustĭmōˈthēəs [key], c.450–c.357 b.c., Greek poet and musician of Miletus. An innovator in music, he added a string to the kithara. Fragments of his dithyrambs and nomes…

Bennett, Sir William Sterndale

(Encyclopedia) Bennett, Sir William Sterndale, 1816–75, English musician. Bennett was a friend of Mendelssohn and Schumann, both of whom influenced his work. Besides composing, he was active as a…

Graupner, Gottlieb

(Encyclopedia) Graupner, Gottlieb (Johann Christian Gottlieb), 1767–1836, German-American musician. In 1795 he came to the United States, settling in Charleston, S.C., where he played in the City…

Rodgers, Jimmie

(Encyclopedia) Rodgers, Jimmie (James Charles Rodgers), 1897–1933, American singer, guitarist, and songwriter often called “the father of country music…


(Encyclopedia) TerpanderTerpandertûrpănˈdər [key], fl. c.675 b.c., musician of Lesbos, one of the earliest founders of Greek classical music. Upon somewhat doubtful evidence, Terpander is credited…

Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel

(Encyclopedia) Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel, 1875–1912, English composer. He studied violin and composition at the Royal College of Music in London. He wrote many songs, orchestral works, piano pieces,…