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Displaying 361 - 370

The Congress of Women: Cookery

by Mrs. David A. Lincoln Woman's Place in LettersPower and Purposes of WomenCookery[1] Mrs. Mary J. Lincoln was born in South Attleboro, Mass. Her father was the Rev. John B. M. Bailey, of…

In the Haunts of Grizzlies and Buffalo

Chapter 7 Chapter 9 In the Haunts of Grizzlies and Buffalo Game, which had been somewhat scarce after leaving the Yellowstone, became more plentiful as they passed on to the…

1997 NBA All-Star Game

East, 132-120 47th NBA All-Star Game. Date: Feb. 9, at Gund Arena in Cleveland; Coaches: Doug Collins, Detroit (East) and Rudy Tomjanovich, Houston (West); MVP: Glen Rice, Charlotte (25…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 A. The earthworm, Lumbricus terrestris, representative of the phylum Annelida. B. Internal anatomy of an earthworm. AnnelidaAnnelidaənĕlˈĭdə [key] [Lat., anellus=a ring],…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Optic nerve vision, physiological sense of sight by which the form, color, size, movements, and distance of objects are perceived. Defects of vision include astigmatism,…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Internal anatomy of a sea star, representative of the phylum Echinodermata EchinodermataEchinodermataəkīˌnōdûrˈmətə [key] [Gr.,=spiny skin], phylum of exclusively marine bottom…

space medicine

(Encyclopedia) space medicine, study of the medical and biological effects of space travel on living organisms. The principal aim is to discover how well and for how long humans can withstand the…