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Mount Vernon, estate, United States

(Encyclopedia) Mount Vernon, NE Va., overlooking the Potomac River near Alexandria, S of Washington, D.C.; home of George Washington from 1747 until his death in 1799. The land was patented in 1674,…

Egmont, Mount

(Encyclopedia) Egmont, MountEgmont, Mountĕˈmŏnt [key], or TaranakiEgmont, Mounttârˌənäˈkē [key], dormant volcano, 8,260 ft (2,517 m) high, on North Island, New Zealand. Conical and snowcapped, it…

Kosciusko, Mount

(Encyclopedia) Kosciusko, Mount, Australia: see Kosciuszko, Mount.

Kelut, Mount

(Encyclopedia) Kelut, Mount, Indonesia: see Kelud, Mount.

Kinibalu, Mount

(Encyclopedia) Kinibalu, Mount: see Kinabalu, Mount, Malaysia.

Kasbek, Mount

(Encyclopedia) Kasbek, Mount: see Kazbek, Mount, Georgia.

Alagez, Mount

(Encyclopedia) Alagez, Mount: see Aragats, Mount, Armenia.